Food Security

Various groups and agencies in and around Wyandot County offer a variety of services to help with food security.
Carey Food Pantry

Address: 711 West Findlay St. Carey, OH 43316

Primary Phone: 419-306-3584

Secondary Phone: 419-722-7822

Days/Times: Every Wednesday, 1:30-4:00pm

Services: Food Pantry for residents of Carey School District.

Christian Food Pantry

Address: 120 N. 8th St. Upper Sandusky, OH (lower level)

Phone: (419) 294-2831


  • Wednesdays: 12-2 p.m., open for receiving donations
  • Thursdays: 12-2 p.m., open for food distribution
  • Third Saturday of the month: 10 a.m. to noon, open for food distribution

Services: Services all Wyandot County residents.

Eagle’s Lodge

Address: 220  S. Sandusky Ave, Upper Sandusky, OH

Phone: (419) 294-1421

Days/Times: 24/7

Services: Small pantry to donate or receive nonperishable food items.

Forest/Wharton Food Pantry

Address: 111 E. Dixon St, Forest, OH

Phone: (419) 273-3148

Days/Times: the 4th Monday of each month 1pm-3pm (3rd Monday in June, November, and December)

Services: Serves all Forest and Wharton residents.

Guiding Grace Blessing Box

Address: 317 N. Main St, Neveda, OH

Phone: (567) 232-2794

Days/Times: 24/7

Services: Small pantry of nonperishable food items.

Guiding Grace Clothing Closet

Address: 110 N. Main St., Nevada, OH 44849

Phone: 740-482-2830 or 567-232-2794

Hours: Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to noon.

Services: Free used clothing for all ages available exclusively to people living in the 44849 zip code. Clothing donations are accepted. Food distribution also available on the third Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon, to those who are signed up prior to food distribution day. On months with five Fridays, food distribution occurs on the fourth Saturday of the month. Call for additional details.

Guiding Grace Clothing Closet and Food Pantry

Address: 110 Main St, Nevada, OH

Phone: (567) 232-2794

Days/Times: Wednesdays 4pm-6pm and Saturdays 10am-12pm

Services: Provides monthly food boxes for 44849 residents.

John Stewart Methodist Church

Address: 130 W Johnson St, Upper Sandusky, OH

Phone: 419-294-2867

Services: Hot meals served every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.

Open Door Drive Thru Food Distribution at Wyandot County Fairgrounds

Address: 10171 OH-53, Upper Sandusky, OH

Phone: (419) 209-6736

Days/Times: The 4th Wednesday of each month, 10am-12pm, lineup starts at 8am

Services: Free box of food for Wyandot County residents.

Open Door Food Pantry

Address: 108 Malabar Ave. Upper Sandusky, OH (building located in the back parking lot of Trinity Evangelical Church)

Phone: (419) 209-6736

Days/Times: The 2nd Monday of each month

Services: By appointment only, call during the first week of each month.

Open Door Resource Center

Address: 212 W. Wyandot Ave, PO Box 245, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351

Phone: (419) 209-6736


Services: Faith-based organization offering financial assistance, resources, referrals, and advocacy for Wyandot County residents with emergency needs such as rent, utilities, gasoline, groceries, prescriptions, etc. Verification and qualifications apply.

Also provides assistance in developing a budget and future plan. Provides donated furniture, appliances, and miscellaneous household items as available for those who qualify. 2 Coats Clothing program offers work clothes, work boots, dress clothes, suits, coats, and shoes based on available donations.

Hot lunch served every Thursday beginning at 11:30 a.m.

Premier Bank (Carey)

Address: 129 S. Vance St, Carey, OH 43351

Phone: (419) 396-7631

Days/Times: 24/7

Services: Small pantry to donate or receive nonperishable food items.

Small Blessing Pantry

Address: 559 S. Warpole St, Upper Sandusky, OH (outside Head Start door)

Phone: (419) 209-0715

Days/Times: 24/7

Services: Small pantry to donate or receive nonperishable food items.

Sycamore Community Food Pantry at Sycamore UCC

Address: 300 S. Sycamore Ave. Sycamore, OH (Basement)

Phone: (419) 927-2748

Days/Times: The 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, 9am-5pm

Services: Food Pantry for residents of Mohawk School District.


Address: 127-A S. Sandusky Ave, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351

Phone: (419)-294-3341


Services: WIC provides nutrition education, breastfeeding education and support; supplemental, highly nutritious foods such as cereal, eggs, milk, whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables, and iron-fortified infant formula; and referral to prenatal and pediatric health care and other maternal and child health and human service programs.

Wyandot County Job & Family Services

Address: 120 E Johnson St, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351

Phone: (419)-617-4230

Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by appointment


Services: Wyandot County Department of Job and Family Services administers public assistance programs including, SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps), Medicaid, Ohio Works First (Cash Assistance), Workforce Development/OhioMeansJobs Center, CCMEP, WIOA, Child and Adult Protective Services, Child Care Assistance, Child Support, Transportation Assistance, and Prevention, Retention, and Contingency Services.

Wyandot County’s OhioMeansJobs Center has public computers available for job searching. Resume assistance is available upon request.

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